The History
In a perfect world
the prince ruled as he pleased, he and his companion enjoyed the greatest power and trust of the great King.
They had access to everything, with one exception, a proof of trust, a single fruit should be avoided, this was the bond of loyalty and respect to the great King of all the earth.
An ancient portal had opened over them that connected them to immortality, a mysterious power that did not allow their bodies to age or corrupt. Everything prepared by the Sovereign so that they could eternally rule that place.
The couple enjoyed authority over all animals and forces of nature, everything under their dominion.
Until one day, a crafty creature cunningly challenged the couple to disobey the alliance with the great King.
That creature hated the Sovereign and would do anything to overthrow his pupils.
The alliance was broken and now, in addition to being expelled from that paradise, the eternal portal was locked. And it wasn't just that, there was a decree, a sentence that demanded their heads and all their descendants.
Condemned to live a mortal life, subject to illness, pain, loss and a terrible condition of existential emptiness, the lack of peace would consume their mind and heart for the entire time of their earthly life.
The chaos did not only affect the couple, but the entire created order and their descendants, nature began to produce catastrophes, matter began to decompose, producing diseases and defects.
What the serpent didn't count on was the plan that the Sovereign hid for a while, giving only hints that he wouldn't abandon them without offering an opportunity, an escape.
One day the great King would send someone without debt, perfect, capable and willing to pay the price demanded by eternal justice, the price of death in the debtor's place
What's more, through his sacrifice he would once again open the eternal locks and establish a new access to his presence.
So it happened.
He took their place by dying without deserving that death, and as he promised, he rose again on the third day, being able to save those who through faith appropriate the benefit of his sacrifice.
As trust in him is necessary in the beginning, no one has access to the provision and the new path if they do not recognize their lost condition and believe in what he did
You and I are the children of that couple, we inherit their debt, condemnation and deep inner emptiness.
Our only escape from eternal perdition and condemnation to a life without peace is Jesus, the son of the Sovereign, perfect, the only one capable of carrying the condemnation that hung over us on his own shoulders and opening the way again.
Whoever has experienced his presence knows that this is real, enjoys peace and joy that surpasses all understanding and a certainty: once again being in the presence of the Eternal and great King.
Ancient wisdom

First steps

"The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."
Proverbs 12:15
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Yes, scientists from the organization demonstrate evidence of events in our world that confirms the biblical account.