We live in a time of emotional crisis. Especially young people even a whole future ahead, they face unprecedented self-devaluation, but it's not just them, adults and the elderly also experience their crises.

To begin our conversation, when a person gives themselves due value, their practices, their choices, their lifestyle reflects this.
Derek Prince once said: "We are like a person who is legally heir to a vast fortune, but we sell our entire inheritance for something incomparably less valuable: pornography, drugs, excessive drinking, materialism, fraudulent deals, power, entertainment, promiscuity" we sell our values in exchange for illusion.
We have to rediscover eternal values and then live them. — Jordan Peterson
Precisely the generation that has distanced itself most from eternal values is the one that most suffers from the existential crisis. You can live in such a way that you deny yourself nothing, everything that your soul yearns for you allow yourself to do, but at the end of the day, when you put your head on the pillow, what is left but a deep emptiness.
So what would be the value of a human being? In a unique and wonderful way, Adam, the first human being, was created in the image and likeness of God.
God Himself took the powder in His hands, mixed it with water, and molded it into the body of a man, the most perfect piece of sculpture ever made. If you have ever been impressed by Michelangelo's sculpture of David, imagine the first man made by divine hands.
But, not only that, the Creator himself breathes breath, his own breath to turn the creature into a living soul
Genesis 2,
7-“And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper who will stand before him.
21 Then the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he fell asleep; and he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh in its place.
22 And from the rib which the Lord God took from the man, he formed a woman; and brought her to Adam.
The powder itself has no value, but in the hands of a skilled artist it becomes a valuable piece of art, just like the human being. And what a magnificent work God created!
Furthermore, he elected them guardians and governors of this land, and maintained a relationship with them
Genesis chapter 3.8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God, walking in the garden in the cool of the day;
Unfortunately, they did not value such a privilege and happiness of enjoying communion as God himself, they listened to the deception and threw the entire universe that we know today into chaos. Not only chaos, but a verdict is upon human beings and their descendants (as we reproduce exactly copies of ourselves)
The consequences of breaking with the created order were terrible, and till this day we see and feel its effects.
"Adam's disobedience was terrible in its consequences, but it brought to light an aspect of God's nature that would otherwise never have been fully revealed: the unfathomable depth of His love. God never gave up on Adam and his descendants. He longs to bring us back to Him."-Derek Prince
James wrote 4:5 (NAA): “Is the Spirit, whom he has made to dwell in us, jealously yearning for us?” -
God longs for communion with human beings, that's why we were created, and that's why He didn't give up on reestablishing the lost connection. To do this, God needed to solve the problem of the debt caused by the fall, thus satisfying justice. Justice called for the death of the being then created, Jesus was the substitute to die in our place, unlike the human being, our savior was innocent and was paying for someone else's debt; Therefore, he was able to take the place of everyone who receives his sacrifice in his place and was still resurrected forever.
Paul writes like this
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that although he was rich, for your sake he became poor; that through their poverty you might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)
You can already imagine the value that human beings have, right? A God who created everything with so much zeal and perfection saw his creation being corrupted by the disobedience and desire for independence from the one who was formed according to his image and likeness to govern everything, is the same God who did not give up on writing and executing the most beautiful story of love and redemption by sending his only and beloved son to pay the price of justice and open the door for human beings to be able to once again be in communion with him.
My friend, you have inestimable value to God, what you have experienced so far was a consequence of the chaos in the present world, but that does not define your value, your value is defined by the price paid for you, and it was the price of bloodshed on the cross of Calvary.
You cannot change yesterday, but today you can decide to live the freedom and peace of those who find forgiveness and comfort in the arms of the Father who awaits your return through Christ. Your decision today changes your future with a life of peace that passes all understanding and Eternity with Christ
Whoever wishes to abandon their life of independence from God and alienation from truth and spiritual reality can find in Jesus Christ, the redeemer, the door and the path that leads us back to God